The READY PLAYER ONE Official Trailer is released and well, there’s really nothing more to say, WATCH IT!
Ready Player One
Ready Player One is a cult classic, of course if you haven’t read the book, now is a good time to visit your local bookstore or online retailer *cough*Amazon because you might be missing out on one of the coolest sci-fi novels in recent years (personal opinion of course.)
Ready Player One is a sci-fi novel set in a bleak dystopian future, the year is 2044 and Wade Watts a teenage VR nerd finds his way into adventure and of course danger. Not to spoil the book, there’s a lot of 80’s nostalgia which seems like a perfect fit for Steven Spielberg at the helm for this upcoming film adaption.
If we know one thing, Spielberg doesn’t mess around with his film projects and has a decent track record with completely blowing away audiences through immersion and storytelling. If anything, VR hardware and mainstream consumption of VR devices should see a spike after this film comes out, which in turn will be very good for the VR industry as a whole.